The amount of wavelets-related software is multiplying!
The "Bath Wavelet Warehouse"
Here is a repository of wavelet filters for you to download and
use. The wavelet file (.wvf), uses an easy to understand format to
describe wavelet filter coefficients. Included are filters for
Biorthogonal wavelets: Bath wavelets ('Bathlets'), UCLA evaluated
wavelets, fingerprint wavelets, modified Coiflet filters;
Orthonormal wavelets: Bath wavelets, Complex Bathlets, Haar wavelet,
Daubechie's wavelets, wavelets to reduce coding artifacts, and other
miscellaneous wavelets.
The Bath Wavelet Warehouse.
"WaveLab" at Stanford University
David Donoho and coworkers in the Stanford Statistics
Department have made publicly available: WaveLab .802, a library of
Matlab routines for wavelet analysis, wavelet-packet analysis,
cosine-packet analysis and matching pursuit. The library, provided
for machines that can run Matlab5.x is available free of charge over
the Internet. WaveLab currently has over 900 files consisting of
scripts, M-files, MEX-files, datasets, self- running demonstrations,
and on-line documentation. It been used in teaching courses in
adapted wavelet analysis at Stanford and at Berkeley, and is the
basis for wavelet research by the authors.
WaveLab Matlab Software.
"PiefLab" by Maarten Jansen
PiefLab is a library of Matlab algorithms for wavelet noise
reduction PiefLab has several routines for: 1) Wavelet transforms:
fast and undecimated, (bi)orthogonal, 1D, 2D. Special attention was
paid to fast implementation through Matlab blass routines and
polyphase implementation of filter banks. 2) Noise reduction by
wavelet thresholding, including threshold assessment by minimum MSE,
minimum SURE, minimum GCV. 3) Bayesian correction of threshold
selections for images (and other 2D structers) using a geometrical
prior. 4) CVS - Conditional Variance Stabilisation for Poisson
intensities, including a Bayesian model within this framework. It
also includes routines for Fisz-wavelet transforms (Fryzlewicz,
Nason). Some of the test routines require that you download software
from Theofanis Sapatinas' collection of Poisson Wavelet Denoising
Software. PiefLab runs without any additional toolbox. It can be
integrated into WaveLab, but it also stands on its own, i.e. it
provides its own procedures for wavelet transforms. PiefLab Matlab Software.
"WavBox" Software by WavBox ToolSmiths
A full-featured Matlab (GUI and command-line) toolbox by Carl Taswell for
performing wavelet transforms and adaptive wavelet packet
decompositions. WavBox contains a collection of wavelet transforms,
decompositions, and related functions that perform multiresolution
analyses of 1-D multichannel signals and 2-D images. The older
version 4.1 includes overscaled pyramid transforms, discrete wavelet
transforms, and adaptive wavelet and cosine packet decompositions by
best basis and matching pursuit as described by Mallat, Coifman,
Wickerhauser, and other authors, as well as Donoho and Johnstone's
wavelet shrinkage denoising methods. The new version 4.2 does the
above plus it implements Taswell's satisficing search algorithms for
the selection of near-best basis decompositions with either additive
or non-additive information costs. The new version also includes the
continuous wavelet transform valid for all wavelets including the
complex Morlet, real Gabor, and Mexican hat wavelets. Versions 1-3
are in the public domain. Versions later than this are
commercial. Wavbox by WavBox ToolSmiths.
"The MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox" by The MathWorks
A full-featured MATLAB (GUI and command-line) toolbox written
by Michel Misiti, Yves Misiti, Georges Oppenheim and Jean-Michel
Poggi, of the Laboratoire de Mathematiques, Orsay-Paris 11
University, France. The MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox contains continuous
wavelet transforms (CWT), 1D and 2D discrete wavelet transforms
(DWT), multiresolution decomposition and analysis of signals and
images, user-extensible selection of wavelet basis functions, 1D and
2D wavelet packet transforms, entropy-based wavelet packet tree
pruning for "best-tree" and "best-level" analysis, and soft and hard
thresholding De-noising. Bundled with the Wavelet Toolbox is the new
book, "Wavelets and Filter Banks", by Gilbert Strang and Truong
Nguyen. Many exercises in this book are drawn from the toolbox. The MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox by The MathWorks.
Making Wavelets in Finance
(article describing application of Toolbox).
Neil Getz has written some papers, code and a web page describing
the discrete periodic wavelet transform. This is a collection of Matlab
routines designed to enable easy experimentation with the DPWT and its
inverse. Some knowledge of the background material contained in the
attached two publications is suggested. Discrete Periodic Wavelet Transform Matlab Software.
"Time-Frequency Toolbox" for Matlab by Auger, Lemoine,
Goncalves and Flandrin.
This free (copyrighted) software is
is a collection of about 100 M-files, developed for the analysis of
non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions. It
performs signal generation files, processing and post-processing
(including visualization). The toolbox is primary intended for
researchers and engineers with some basic knowledge in signal
processing. It requires at least Matlab v4.2c (or later version) and the
Signal Processing Toolbox, v3.0 or later.
The Time-Frequency Toolbox.
The "WMTSA" Wavelet Toolkit for Matlab by Percival and Walden.
This is a software package for the analysis of a data series using
wavelet methods. КIt is an implementation of the wavelet-based
techniques for the analysis of time series presented in: Wavelet
Methods for Time Series Analysis. The WMTSA toolkit consists of:
1) the WMTSA MATLAB toolbox containing functions for
computing several versions of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT),
analyzing variability as a function of scale, displaying results
and 2) example scripts and data demonstrating use of the toolbox
and 3) documentation of toolbox functions. The WMTSA Wavelet Toolkit.
"Image Fusion" Matlab Toolbox from Oliver Rockinger
This Matlab package from The image fusion toolbox for
matlab 5.x comprises a set of m-file functions for the pixel-level
image fusion of spatially registered grayscale images. It is
accompanied by an easy-to-use graphical interface which allows an
interactive control over all relevant parameters. . Image Fusion Toolbox
"Wavekit" from Harri Ojanen
This is a wavelet toolbox for Matlab 5.1-greater geared mostly towards
learning about wavelets from the author's own explorations. It includes
one- and two-dimensional (periodic) fast wavelet and wavelet packet
transforms and the best basis algorithm for wavelet packets, an
implementation of the fast matrix multiplication algorithm of Beylkin,
Coifman, and Rokhlin (Comm. Pure Applied Math 44(2), 1991) for both
wavelets and wavelet packets, and various demonstrations on visualizing
wavelets and signal analysis. Wavekit
by Harri Ojanen.
"Multiwavelet" package from Vasily Strela
This is a wavelet toolbox for Matlab 5.1 with the aim to give
researchers an opportunity to try multiwavelets in practice. MWMP can be
used for comparison of scalar and multiple filters in image compression
and signal denoising. MWMP offers a variety of builtin scalar- and
multi- filters. Several types of prefilters are included. New sets of
coefficients can be easily added. In addition to routines implementing
preprocessing and discrete multiwavelet transform (in 1 and 2
dimensions) the package contains a simple compression function and
several scripts for signal denoising via thresholding. All routines in
MWMP include a help section explaining input and output parameters and
giving example of usage. Multiwavelet
by Vasily Strela.
The Rice Wavelet Toolbox Release 2.4
The Rice Wavelet Toolbox Release 2.4 is a
collection of MATLAB of "mfiles" and "mex" files for twoband and
M-band filter bank/wavelet analysis from the DSP group and
Computational Mathematics Laboratory (CML) at Rice University,
Houston, TX. This release includes application code for Synthetic
Aperture Radar despeckling and for deblocking of JPEG decompressed
Images. In addition: more wavelet and DSP software can be found at: Matlab Rice Wavelet Toolbox.
"TIPSH" Matlab software by Eric Kolaczyk et al.
This TIPSH software performs the method of
Translationally Invariant Smoothing of Poisson data using Haar
Wavelets. TIPSH is useful for the removal of
Poisson noise from count data, or more generally, for non-parametric
hypothesis testing of Poisson data. In the latter case, one can
non-parametrically extract the statistically significant residual from
a dataset given some null hypothesis.
"TIPSH" Matlab software.
The "Uvi_Wave" Wavelet Toolbox.
The Uvi_Wave Wavelet Toolbox is a set of Wavelet Processing based
functions implemented under two known environments: Matlab and
Khoros 2. The toolbox includes Wavelet Transform functions for one or more
dimensions (up to 5 dimensions in Khoros 2). Matlab version also
includes Wavelet Packet Transform (one and two dimensional).
Multiresolution Analysis functions have been implemented to
calculate approximation and detail components of any signal or
object. Wavelet Filter Generation routines have been programed so as
to generate Daubechie, Symlets and Remez Orthogonal filters as well
as Spline Biorthogonal Filters. Matlab version provides additional
orthogonal filter families: Maximally Flat and Battle-LemariЋ. The
Wavelet and Scaling functions can be computed from any kind of
Wavelet Filters. The Uvi_Wave Wavelet Toolbox .
Wavelet Transform Matlab software by Shihua Cai & Keyong Li.
The functions include second generation wavelet decomposition and
reconstruction tools for images as well as functions for the
computation of moments. The wavelet schemes rely on the lifting
scheme of Sweldens and use the splitting of rectangular grids into
quincunx grids, also known as red-black ordering. The prediction
filters include the Neville filters as well as a nonlinear 'maxmin'
filter. The various functions are described and examples are given.
The toolbox is provided with appliances for the visualization of
data on quincunx grids. LISQ Matlab software by Paul de Zeeuw
"BLS-GSM" image denoising Matlab code by Javier Portilla et al.
We have just released a Matlab implementation of our algorithms for
image denoising (BLS-GSM stands for Bayes Least Squares - Gaussian
Scale Mixtures). The method uses a Gaussian Scale Mixture model for
neighborhoods of coefficients in the wavelet domain. It works both
with the full steerable pyramid and with redundant versions of
orthogonal wavelets. It provides state-of-the-art denoising
performance at reasonable computational cost. You can find a
description of the statistical model, examples of denoised images,
links to relevant publications, and the full Matlab source code at
the link. >BLS-GSM image denoising Matlab code by Javier Portilla et al.
"JPEGTools" Matlab and Octave software.
A package of Octave and Matlab scripts has been written to
accompany material in the book: Introduction to Information Theory
and Data Compression by Darrel Hankerson, Greg A. Harris, and Peter
D. Johnson Jr. Documentation appears in Appendix A of the textbook,
and is also available in Portable Document Fromat (PDF) as
jpegtool.pdf (try jpegtool_compat.pdf if your software complains),
or in PostScript form as (compressed with gzip). The
scripts can be used to study JPEG-like schemes. The scripts are
freely-distributable under the GNU General Public License. >JPEGTools Matlab and Octave software
Wavelet denoing Matlab software by Antoniadis, A. et al.
IDL Wavelet Toolkit, an optional module for IDL version 5.5. It
is is a set of graphical user interfaces (GUI) and IDL routines
developed specifically for the wavelet analysis of multi-dimensional
data. In the IDL Wavelet Toolkit, you will find a set of standard
wavelet techniques. Wavelet Toolkit IDL Software.
"Lastwave" at Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees
Lastwave is signal processing software written by researcher
Emmanuel Bacry at Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, Ecole
Polytechnique with contributors: B. Audit, N. Decoster, J.F. Muzy,
C. Vaillant, J. Abadia, J. Fraleu, R. Gribonval, J. Kalifa, E.
LePennec, S. Mallat, G. Davis, W.L. Hwang, and S. Zhong. He wrote
software that is free (GNU License), written in C, and runs on both
X11/Unix and Macintosh computers, and should be easy to
include one's own code. LastWave is a signal processing (wavelet
oriented) software, designed to be used by anybody who
knows about signal processing and wants to play around with wavelets
and wavelet-like techniques. It mainly consists in a (tcl like)
powerful command line language which includes a high level
object-oriented graphic language which allows to display both some
simple objects (e.g., buttons, strings, text using any font, ...)
and some complex objects (signals, images, wavelet transforms,
extrema representation, ....). All these graphic objects can be
fully controlled (along with the mouse behavior) via the command
language. There is full postscript and PDF document available.
Lastwave Software.
Mathematica "Lifting" Notebook by Paul Abbott.
Abbott has placed a Mathematica tutorial Notebook on wavelets
via the Lifting algorithm at the following URL, along with an honours thesis
by his student Mark Maslen. This Notebook gives some
background on factorization of transforms (such as the FFT) and
then works through some of the examples in the paper: by
Daubechies and Sweldens which describes a technique which can
accelerate wavelet transforms by a factor of two by factoring
them in elementary lifting steps.
Mathematica "Lifting" Notebook and Mark Maslen's 1997 Lifting Honours thesis.
Mathematica CWT software by David A. Jay
David A. Jay at the Oregon Graduate Institute has written
Mathematica CWT software, free to download. The programs provided in
the library are designed to allow the calculation of
the time evolution of the frequency content of a signal. These codes
were developed to investigate non-stationary tidal processes (e.g.,
barotropic river tides and continental shelf internal tides) where
the astronomically forced tide is so strongly modulated by non-tidal
processes that the signal becomes strongly non-stationary.
Mathematica CWT software by David A. Jay.
Mathematica wavelet programs
This directory at the Colorado School of Mines contains a series of
Mathematica programs designed to display the features and properties of
various types of wavelets. There are also PostScript files documenting
the programs as well as some additional documents about wavelets. Mathematica wavelet programs.
"Wavelet Explorer" from Wolfram Research
This Mathematica package from Wolfram Research offers a thorough
tutorial for those new to wavelet theory as well as provides a complete
set of tools for advanced wavelet research. Wavelet Explorer generates
a variety of orthogonal and biorthogonal filters and computes scaling
functions, wavelets, and wavelet packets from a given filter. It also
contains 1D and 2D wavelet and wavelet packet transforms, 1D and 2D
local trigonometric transforms and packet transforms, and it performs
multiresolution decomposition as well as 1D and 2D data compression and
denoising tasks. Graphics utilities are provided to allow the user to
visualize the results. It is written entirely in Mathematica with all
source code open, so that the user is free to customize and extend all
of the functions. Wavelet
Explorer by Wolfram Research.
Maple "CBC" programs from Bin Han
Maple routines have been developed to construct 1-dimensional
and 2-dimensional Hermite interpolatory matrix masks and pairs of
biorthogonal matrix masks with a general dilation matrix using the
CBC (Coset By Coset) algorithm. By calling several routines from
these programs, you can easily construct 1D/2D biorthogonal
multiwavelets with a general dilation matrix using the CBC
algorithms. You can also find C programs (calling MATLAB routine
eig) to compute smoothness of a symmetric refinable function in
1D/2D/3D using symmetry. Maple CBC programs from Bin Han.
"WAILI" C++ Wavelet Transform Library by Uytterhoeven, Wulpen, Jansen.
Geert Uytterhoeven, Filip Van Wulpen, Maarten Jansen have written a
wavelet transform library. It includes some basic image processing
operations based on the use of wavelets and forms the backbone of more
complex image processing operations. It uses integer wavelet transforms
based on the Lifting Scheme, provides various wavelet transforms of the
Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau family of biorthogonal wavelets, provides crop
and merge operations on wavelet-transformed images, provides noise
reduction based on wavelet thresholding, and provides scaling, edge
enhancement of images. WAILI is available in source form for research
purposes only and may not be further distributed. Enquiries about the
license conditions should be directed to "WAILI" C++ Wavelet
Transform Library
"Wave++" from the Ryerson Computational Signal Analysis Group
TWave++ is a C++ library of classes and functions designed for the
serious programmer wishing to write software or scientific
applications which employ the elements of wavelet analysis,
time-frequency analysis or Fourier analysis. Wave++ is a carefully
designed, thoroughly tested portable library of reuseable,
extensible algorithms and data structures which allow the user to
write efficient, fast executing programs in a wide spectrum of
signal processing and data analysis applications. Wave++ library.
"ImageLib" C++ library from Brendt Wohlberg
ImageLib is a C++ class library providing image processing and related
facilities. The main set of classes provide a variety of image and
vector types, with additional modules supporting scalar and vector
quantisation, DCT transforms and wavelet transforms. Periodic and
symmetric extension wavelet transforms are provided, as well as
facilities for plotting scaling functions, wavelets, and wavelet filter
frequency responses. ImageLib C++ library from Brendt Wohlberg.
"Wavelets at Imager" University of British Columbia
The Imager
Wavelet Library, "wvlt", is a small library of wavelet-related functions
in C that perform forward and inverse transforms and refinement.
Support for 15 popular wavelet bases is included, with the ability to add
more. The package also includes source for three shell-level programs to do
wavelet processing on ASCII files and PPM images with some demo
scripts. (The demos require "gnuplot" and "perl" to be installed on
your system.) The code has been compiled and tested under various
UNIX flavors (AIX, SunOS, IRIX, and HP-UX), DOS, and (partially)
Macintosh and should port to other systems with few problems. Imager Wavelets Software Library.
"Wavelet Image Compression Construction Kit" from Dartmouth
The Wavelet Image Compression Construction Kit is a set of free C++
source files for facilitating research in wavelet-based image
compression. This code implements a wavelet transform-based image coder
for grayscale images, and is designed to be a foundation upon which more
more sophisticated coders can be built. Wavelet
Image Compression Construction Kit.
"AWFD" C++ class library
AWFD (Adaptivity, Wavelets & Finite Differences) C++ class library
by the Department of Scientific Computing and Numerical Simulation
at the University of Bonn is available for downloading. It is a C++
class library for wavelet/interpolet-based solvers for PDEs and
integral equations. The main features of AWFD are: 1)
Petrov-Galerkin discretizations of linear and non-linear elliptic
and 2) parabolic PDE (scalar as well as systems) 3) Adaptive sparse
grid strategy for a higher order interpolet multiscale basis 4)
Adaptivity control via thresholding of wavelet coefficients 5)
Multilevel lifting-preconditioner for linear systems 6) Dirichlet
and Neumann boundary conditions. "AWFD" C++ class library
"Wavelet" C++ class library by Martin Dietze
The "Wavelet" C++ class library includes
classes and utility functions for images, Wavelet transforms,
two-dimensional decompositions, image statistics and simple image
manipulation. The Wavelet-transform code is based on Geoff Davis'
well-known Wavelet Image Coding toolkit, but sacrifices some runtime
performance for IMHO more flexible design. The code should compile
with most recent C++ compilers. The library is available under the GPL. Wavelet C++ class library by Martin Dietzey
Yale University
The Mathematics Department at Yale has made available wavelet software for de-noising,
a wavelet packet library (written in C), and an educational package for X-windows. Yale Wavelet Software.
Laboratory for Computational Vision Software at NYU
The The Laboratory for Computational Vision at NYU has made publicly
available the following software packages: 1) Texture
Analysis/Synthesis 2) EPWIC - Embedded Progressive Wavelet Image
Coder. 3) matlabPyrTools - Matlab source code for multi-scale image
processing, 4) The Steerable Pyramid, an (approximately)
translation- and rotation-invariant multi-scale image decomposition,
5) Computational Models of cortical neurons, and 6) EPIC -
Efficient Pyramid (Wavelet) Image Coder. Laboratory for Computational Vision Software.
"MegaWave2" from CMLA of Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan
MegaWave2 is a free software intended for image processing. It
is made of 1) a C library of modules, that contains original
algorithms written by researchers; and 2) a Unix/Linux package
designed for the fast developpement of new image processing
algorithms. The software is maintained and updated by Jacques
Froment (kernel) and Lionel Moisan (modules) at CMLA (in Jean-Michel
Morel's team), and benefits from the contribution of several other
researchers. . MegaWave2 Wavelet Software.
"Dataplore" by the Datan Software and Analysis GmbH.
Tool for Signal And TIme Series analysis, with graphical user interface.
Contains standard facilities for signal processing as well as advanced
features like wavelet techniques and methods of nonlinear dynamics.
Systems: MS Windows, Linux, SUN Solaris 2.3, SGI Irix 5.3. Dataplore by the Datan Software and Analysis GmbH.
"LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Add-on" from National Instruments
The LabVIEW add-on allows you to select an appropriate wavelet
transform or to design one of your own through a graphical user
interface to find the best wavelet or filter bank for your application.
The wavelet and filter bank design tools apply to 1D signals and to 2D
images. The toolset also includes wavelet analysis VIs, such as 1D
and 2D analysis and synthesis filters, as well as many other useful
functions for use in building custom LabVIEW applications. LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Add-on.
"MR/1" from Multi Resolution Ltd
Multiresolution Analysis, for visualization, filtering, noise
modeling, deconvolution, compression, vision modeling, image registering,
feature detection, and much much more. MR/1 Multiresolution Analysis Software.
"Wavelets Extension Pack" for Mathcad
Mathcad's Wavelet Extension Pack adds wavelet functions to Mathcad 8
Professional's built-in function library. It integrates over 60 wavelet
functions including orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet families such as
Haar, Daubelts, Symmlets, Coiflets, and Bspline. Wavelets Extension Pack for Mathcad.
"Wavestat" from
WaveStat applies exploratory Cluster Analysis of picture data
using wavelet-built coefficients. Cluster Analysis collects elements (i.e.
pixels) of the same property (in this context this means: gray value) to a cluster.
These clusters can be visualized by colorizing them or by reconstructing them to a
grayscale picture. Wavestat from
PV-Wave Signal Processing Toolkit ("SPT")
The Signal Processing Toolkit (SPT) is an add-on to PV-WAVE
Advantage, almost entirely written in PV-WAVE with the source
code supplied. The Toolkit concentrates on 1-D signal processing, with
many of the functions extendable to 2-D for image processing, etc. simply by
adding to the source code. In addition to the various functions
which cover areas such as: models and analysis, filter approximation and
realisation, transforms and spectrum analysis, statistical signal
processing, optimisation and convenience routines for polynomial
manipulation (of the transfer functions) and plotting functions, the wavelet
part of the product computes the wavelet transform of a data
sequence using compactly supported ortho-normal wavelets (using a
quadrature mirror filters- QMF) Functions
for computing and designing the QMF bank are supplied as well as a number
of examples. PV-Wave Signal Processing Toolkit.
"XploRe" by W. Haerdle
XploRe, developed by by W. Haerdle for data analysis, research
and teaching, is promoted as a powerful tool for computational
statistics. The package contains a number of wavelet processing
tools. The main features are an extensive set of parametric and
nonparametric methods incorporating many statistical modelling
approaches, a high level object oriented programming language, an
interactive graphic environment, a client/server architecture with a
fully capable Java interface, an online help system, and a set of
tutorials. XploRe contains a great variety of statistical methods
that include: generalized linear models and generalized partial
linear models, nonparametric methods such as kernel estimation and
smoothing, spline smoothing, nonlinear time series analysis, modern
regression techniques, and wavelets and neural networks. XploRe can
be installed on single computers (PC or workstation), and in
networks. XploRe runs on almost any platform. XploRe.
W-Transform Matlab Toolbox
A toolbox to perform multiresolution analysis based on the
W-transform is available. The W-transform is a class of discrete
transforms that treats signal endpoints differently than usual and
allows signals of any length to be handled efficiently. In addition
to the toolbox (310 Kb tarred/compressed) there is a paper (590 Kb
compressed PostScript) describing the W-transform and a manual (108
Kb compressed PostScript) for the toolbox. W-Transform Matlab Toolbox by anon ftp.
"TimeStat" Wavelet Application
Windows program that performs FFT, wavelet transforms (many bases) in an
Excel-like spreadsheet environment. You may want to download the extra file
"tstat120.readme" at the following site too. In zip format. TimeStat program.
2-D Wavelet Packet Analysis S+ Software by C. Jones
This 2-D Wavelet Packet analysis software determines the global fractal
dimension of 2-D images. The software is used in research published in the
paper: "2-D Wavelet Packet Analysis of Structural Self-Organization and
Morphogenic Regulation in Filamentous Fungal Colonies." The entire paper is
readable online and the full source code for S-Plus is
provided in a link within the above paper. Cameron Jones' 2-D WPA Software.
Brandon Whitcher's wavelet R, S+, and C code
On this
page, you will find, in particular, "waveslim", which is his wavelet
code accumulated over the years in S-plus converted into a package
for R. He has recently included routines to handle three-dimensional
data objects. Major features include: 1) Analysis of time series,
images, 3D arrays using the DWT, MODWT, DWPT and MODWPT, 2) Standard
wavelet thresholding techniques, 3) Wavelet analysis of
covariance/correlation for bivariate time series, 4) Testing for
homogeneity of variance in long memory processes, 5) Wavelet-based
ML estimation for long memory processes, 6) Both standard (Donoho
and Johnstone) and real data sets. Other libraries you will find at
Whitcher's site is Rwave and C code performing DWTs and MODWTs. Brandon Whitcher's wavelet R, S+, and C code.
Fourier-Wavelet Regularized Deconvolution ("ForWaRD") Software by Neelamani et al.
This software implements a fast hybrid deconvolution algorithm
called Fourier-wavelet regularized deconvolution (ForWaRD) that
comprises convolution system inversion followed by scalar shrinkage
in both the Fourier domain and the wavelet domain. See the link for
both the software and the paper that gives more details on this method. Fourier-Wavelet Regularized Deconvolution (ForWaRD) Software.
"FAWAV" - A Fourier/Wavelet Analyzer by James Walker.
This FAWAV software goes with Walker's A Primer on Wavelets and
their Scientific Applications. This programК does Fourier and
wavelet analysis on digital signals (1D and 2D).
It requires the Microsoft WINDOWS operating system.. FAWAV - A Fourier/Wavelet Analyzer by James Walker.
"WaveThresh" Software from the University of Bristol
Wavethresh is an add-on package, from the people in the Department of Mathematics at
the University of Bristol, for the statistical package S-PLUS or freeware clone R. S-PLUS is based on
the object-oriented S language developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. U of Bristol's WaveThresh Software.
"Wavelet Image Viewer" by Summus Ltd.
This is a commercial wavelet-based image compression plug-in for
web browsers that claims to provide superior image quality, compression
ratios, and speed. Visit their web page for a demo. Wavelet Image Viewer Browser Plug-in.
"Matching Pursuit Video Codec" by Berkeley EE Researchers.
The Matching Pursuit Experimental Video Codec is based on the
motion-transform hybrid video coding framework commonly employed in
standard based system such as H.263 and MPEG2. Matching pursuit (MP)
is an over-complete expansion technique that can be used in place of
the DCT for prediction error coding after motion compensation.
The objective of making this package freely available is to stimulate
further research activities in the area of MP video coding. Matching Pursuit Video Codec.
"AGU-Vallen Wavelet" by Vallen-Systeme GmbH and AGU.
Autosignal performs complex signal analysis
which includes FFT, autoregressions, moving averages,
ARMA, exponential modeling, Minimum variance methods,
eigen analysis, frequency estimation and wavelets. AutoSignal by Systat.
"EPWIC" by Robert Buccigrossi and Eero Simoncelli.
EPWIC stands for Embedded Predictive Wavelet Image Coder, a grayscale image
compression utility written in C. EPWIC Wavelet Compressor.
"Wavelet Packet Laboratory for Windows" by Digital Diagnostics Corporation & Yale University.
The Wavelet Packet Laboratory for Windows is an interactive software
tool for the Microsoft Windows operating environment that allows you to
explore the properties of the Wavelet Packet and Local Trigonometric
Transforms by performing adapted waveform analysis on digital signals.
This package includes a users' manual and program PC diskette that
allows hands-on signal analysis. Publisher/Price: AK Peters - 1994 3.5"
Disk & Manual $300.00 (My guess is that this software is closely
associated with M.V. Wickerhauser's wavelet packets research and his
book: Adapted Wavelet Analysis from Theory to Software listed
below in the Beginners Bibliography (AG).) Wavelet Packet Laboratory.
"WSQ freeware" by Mladen Victor Wickerhauser.
Certified executables to perform the FBI's WSQ fingerprint
image compression and decompression algorithm on 6 flavors of UNIX,
Windows 98 and Windows 95. See
for more of his software. WSQ freeware by Wickerhauser.
Wavelet Transform Code by Paul Johnson
On this CD of biostatistical software, you will find code to
calculate the power spectrum using the Marr and Morlet wavelet, with
an application to examine tree growth variation. The CD includes a set
of executable algorithms with instructions on their use, FORTRAN
source code, and 3)a statistical analysis package.
Biostatistical Software by Paul Johnson.
"MIDAS" Astronomical Data Reduction Wavelet Transform
This is the online documentation from the "ESO-MIDAS User Guide
Volume B: Data Reduction" for the Wavelet Transform functions built into
the ESO-MIDAS software. ESO-MIDAS is the acronym for the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data
Analysis System which is developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory.
The MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis
on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO
instrumentation at La Silla.
"MIDAS" Detailed Documentation Describing Wavelet Transforms.