Masoud Movahhedi, AbdolAli Abdipour Microwave/mm-wave & Wireless communication research Lab., Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran E-mail:,
Abstract – A new wavelet-based simulation approach for the analysis and simulation of microwave/mm-wave transistors is presented. For the first time in the literature, Daubechies-base wavelet approach is applied to semiconductor equations to generate a nonuniform mesh. This allows forming fine and coarse grids in locations where variable solutions change rapidly and slowly, respectively. The procedure of nonuniform mesh generation is described in details by simulating a MESFET. It is shown that good accuracy can be achieved while compressing the number of unknown by 70%.’
Index Terms – full-wave analysis, nonuniform wavelet-base grid, transistor simulation, Daubechies-based wavelet.
I. Introduction
Recent progress in microwave techn
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